The Johanniterkirche, an extensively restored church building from the 12th century, was reopened in November 2008 as a museum of late medieval and early modern art.
The restoration, sponsored by Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG, included the installation of state-of-the-art equipment, security, air-conditioning and sanitary facilities to the highest museum standards as well as the restoration of the original Gothic roof truss from 1400/01. This roof has turned out to be the oldest of its kind in southern Germany. Numerous additions and alterations made during the checkered history of the building’s secular use were removed. Decorative elements were uncovered and cleaned, the natural stone facade restored, the ribbed vaults in the choir and mullions of the tracery windows in the interior were conserved, and the roof structure revealed, returning the building to its original state, beauty and quality. In 2011, the reconstruction was awarded with the Hugo-Häring Price. After several surviving items of the original furnishing of the former ecclesiastical building were returned, the Johanniterkirche became the ideal setting for the significant collection of Old Masters in the Würth Collection.
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